

Did You Know?

41% of Pakistanis save in committees?

How long will it take for my Oraan Committee application to be approved?

Your Oraan Committee application will be approved in 3-4 working days, once we have verified your profile.

After you fill out your application, you will be asked to submit your CNIC (front and back, original), a selfie (only checked by female staff if you have pardah requirements), how you make money aka occupation, saving purpose and app permissions.

After that your application will be submitted. Your application will then be reviewed by our bookings team and they will call you to ask you for more information if needed. After passing this stage your application will be considered booked.

Then the verification team will go through your documents, passing this stage will move you to the approved status. Once your application is approved you will need to accept the application to signal you are ok with your OC plan.

Once you accepted you can start your committee with Oraan!

Don’t worry our agents will guide you through the process.