

Did You Know?

81% of Pakistani women are unbanked

How will Oraan send me my Payout?

Our Oraan team will contact you before your payout month to get your bank account details. Your payout will then be transferred to your bank account during your payout month.

You can also choose to have you Payout sent to your Easypaisa or JazzCash account if your Payout amount is below PKR 25,000. If your Payout is more than PKR 25,000, please make sure your account limit is above that amount or provide a bank account, instead.

Note: You do not have to send your instalment in your Payout month. It will be deducted from your Payout amount. If you send your instalment, it will be stored as an advance payment for your next due instalment. Refunds will only be issued if you are in the last month of your OC.